Turbo Tuner: In-Cab, On-The-Fly Boost Control

Diesel Turbo Tuner

The Power Driven Diesel turbo tuner is a first-of-its-kind in-cab adjustable boost controller designed specifically for high-boost applications in turbo diesel trucks. With the turn of a knob, you can increase or decrease boost pressure for your driving and power needs.

Diesel Turbo Tuner

Our Turbo Tuner has an internal bleed, so you get no whistle or whine in the cab of your truck. It works by plugging one end into your wastegate actuator and the other into intake side of the cylinder head. Once it’s connected, you have full, on-the-fly control over your wastegate and boost pressure from inside the cab of your truck.

The Turbo Tuner works by keeping pressure from reaching the wastegate until you want it to. This prevents early wastegate “cracking” which increases throttle response and quickens spool up. Watch the video below for a demonstration of how the Turbo Tuner works and how it can improve your turbos performance.

Watch How Our Turbo Tuner Works

If you have questions about this or any product for your diesel,give us a call at 435-962-9555 or text us at 435-962-9506. Also, be sure to sign up for our mailing list, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for the latest news, info, and tests.