Just Do It!

Power Driven Diesel at the Race Track

The following article was written by Power Driven Diesel Co-owner Todd Welch and originally appeared in the April 2016 issue of Diesel Tech Magazine. Just do it is a cliché phrase, but it holds true especially for “Diesel Weekends.” When a diesel event comes your way you must decide to participate; be it a dyno […]

Dyno Testing the New Power Driven Diesel Compound Turbo System

We recently launched our compound towing turbo setup and we wanted to show you how it performed on the Dyno. Before we jump into the test, we wanted to give you some background on the new compound turbo and why we wanted to build this specific setup over some other twin turbo kits available. The […]

New and Improved AFC Live Stage 2 Diesel Tuning System

AFL Live Stage 2 Ver 2

About a year ago, we developed the AFC Live in-cab control system for p-pumped trucks. Since then, our proprietary product has received rave reviews and feedback from drivers who love the on-demand control. We have listened to your feedback and made a number of improvements to the AFC Live Stage 2 in-cab fuel control system. […]

What’s Inside a 650hp Diesel Truck Transmission

A lot of customers ask us what goes into one of our custom built transmissions. Here Will Terry walks you through the upgrades and components you’ll find inside one of our 650hp rated transmissions. 650hp Built Transmission Components | Power Driven DieselWatch this video on YouTube Valve Body: The core of every Power Driven Diesel […]