Core Form

Current Core list & pricing

Red Text = Not Currently Accepting

INJECTORS (Bosch cores only):

•94-98 2nd Gen 12V Injectors (up to $100 per set of 6 Bosch Injectors)

•89-93 1st Gen 12V Injectors (up to $100 per set of 6 Bosch Injectors)

•98-02 2nd Gen 24V Injectors (up to $100 per set of 6 Bosch Injectors)


•160/175 P7100 (up to $750)

•180 P7100 (up to $1000)

•215 P7100 (up to $1500)

•VP44 Injection Pump (up to $300)

•VE Injection Pump (up to $400)


•47/48 Torque Converter (up to $250)

•68RFE Torque Converter (up to $300)


47RH Valve Body (up to $250) – NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING

47RE Valve Body (up to $250) – NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING

•48 RE Valve Body (up to $500)

•68RFE Valve Body (2007-2018) (up to $325)


•47RH 4WD Complete Transmission (not including Converter) (1994-1995) (up to $400)

•47RE 4WD Complete Transmission (not including Converter) (1996 – 2002) (up to $500)

•48RE 4WD Complete Transmission (not including Converter) (2003 – 2007) (up to $850)

•47RH 2WD Complete Transmission (not including Converter) (1994-1995) (up to $300)

•47RE 2WD Complete Transmission (not including Converter) (1996 – 2002) (up to $400)

•48RE 2WD Complete Transmission (not including Converter) (2003 – 2007) (up to $750)

•68RFE 2WD Complete Transmission (not including Converter) (2007 – 2018) (up to $1500)

•68RFE 4WD Complete Transmission (not including Converter) (2007 – 2018) (up to $1500)

Click Here To Sell Your Cores


All cores are subject to inspection prior to credit being applied. The dollar amounts shown in parenthesis above is the highest possible amount of credit that could be granted. Delphi injector cores, seized injection pumps, and damaged cores are some examples of unacceptable cores. Upon determination that core(s) are unacceptable, the sender will have the option for Power Driven Diesel to trash the cores on their behalf, or the sender can pay for return shipping to receive them back.